Posts tagged Jaw pain
Pain in the jaw - TMJD: what is it, and how is it treated? By Ainslie Bryce

TMJD stands for Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction, which in simple terms means jaw pain. It can cause headaches, neck pain and affect your posture, sleep patterns and the way you eat. And there can often be a tricky cycle of a lot of small muscles around your face and neck impacting on how the jaw moves; and then how your jaw moves can impact on lots of other small muscles, causing them to pull tight and pull back on the jaw and structures around it. Grinding teeth (Bruxism) and jaw clenching have a lot to do with this issue as well. Sometimes the pain will be helped with a night guard - this is a measured and fitted mouth guard (from the dentist) that you wear at night to ease the pressure on your teeth and jaw joint.

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